Selasa, 24 Februari 2015

Benefits of Drinking Mineral Water

Is Water Good For You?

Some studies have shown that the healthiest kind of bottled water is mineral water and drinking this water each day can help you enhance your overall health and well-being. Mineral water is able to do so much good because it contains essential minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium. Even better, mineral water, unlike tap water, will be free of added chemicals as well as preservative-free and completely natural. Here we will discuss some of the benefits of mineral water.

17 Annoying Things Girls Who Care More About Being Smart Than Being Pretty Understand

It can be a tough, desolate world out there for girls who put more emphasis on what’s inside their brains than what’s outside of them. It’s not like you can’t be both smart and pretty (of course you can), but it’s frustrating when—no matter how smart you are—there’s more emphasis put on how you look. It’s not a particularly hot climate for nerds and book worms. Stay strong! Our day in the sun will come… one day… maybe?

1. You identify with Hermione Granger on a spiritual, emotional, personal level that is untouchable by any other character that has ever existed in a movie before. PRAISE BE HERMIONE. HERMIONE FOR PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD.
2. Even when someone thinks you’re hot, all you can think is, BUT DON’T YOU FIND MY MIND HOTTER?

Senin, 23 Februari 2015

What Disney Movies Taught Us About Girl Power

It’s important for girls to have inspiring female role models, and we Disney fans found no lack of them in the movies that dominated our childhoods. The many dynamic ladies of Disney showed us that we can achieve any of our dreams if we only give ourselves permission to fight for them. Today, we’re looking back at all the lessons they taught us about girl power. If you need a bit of daily lady inspiration from some of the coolest ladies we know, read on, and then rock on:

There is no wrong way to be a girl.

Are you traditionally girly like Cinderella? Athletic like Merida? Bookish like Belle? Whatever your answer is: good. Just like each of those princesses is special in her own way, you’re wonderful the way you are, no matter how you like to dress or what you like to do. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.

99 Facts That Guys Should Know About Girls

What do Girls Like in Guys

Wondering what ideal type of a guy that girls want? Don’t worry we got you covered and here are the facts:

1.      Girls try to hint at what they want from guys, they don’t like to say it.
2.      Girls like holding hands. A guys girlfriend wants to be the only hand that he wants to hold. Even in public, it means you’re protecting her and proud of her.
3.      Girls love surprises and gifts especially during important occasions. A girl may expect something from her boyfriend but that doesn’t mean he just loves the material things that come with the relationship. It just means you remember her.

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